Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Crude Covered Cheques


In the flesh, to be right amongst it, skin to skin, person to person.
Humans molding themselves like wet clay.
Forms excavating and expiring within their own salty perspiration. 
Synapses linking up and creating new pathways to connect the inner to the outer.
In that moment an instance of true queer self-expression.
To unleash the feelings of the self-there must first be a welcoming environment. 
A safe space that allows for the parties to participate,
without judgement and without stigmatization,
without bigots and without money.

Current events have revealed that when choosing between a safe space and a crude-covered cheque people choose the cheque. It's estimated that more than a billion people will see the world cup.  When symbols are seen and discussed by 1/8th of the world's population representation really does matter. How the world cup is unfolding is a reminder of the sharp barnacles often wrapped around LGBTQ+ communities. For as the goals are scored, yellow cards are handed out and a nation's sporting history is made, a simple armband consisting of six colours will not be allowed on pitch. Symbols of pride are too much for event organizers, for it is the shadows where the status quo wants us to stay, for their cheques and for their sponsors. 

Buy Coca Cola, Eat McDonalds and Fly Qatari but don’t you dare be true to yourself.  Stay out of the limelight, don't stand in the way of incoming lines of credit, don't rock the boat and keep this petrochemical cash cow flowing for everyone involved. It’s not values that keep corporate entities and governments afloat, its money, so keep your eye on the game and brain off any form of critical thinking. Open your nostrils and huff on the Qatari Gas field like it's an open bottle of Amyl. Forget who you love, instead remember what you love ($). For when the halftime rolls around some souls may have been crushed but at least a fortune would have been made.

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