What a mindfuck. A glass and half full of bullshit. The new new; A chaotic set of alterations, lacking every bit of moderation. 2020 has steamed rolled in like the flying Scotsman only to become a train-wreck littered with dazed and sickly passengers. Devoting our senses to the news we can't help but rubberneck at this unfolding tragedy.
It's been a rude awakening coming into the new decade. We were stirred up at the early hours of 2020 by blaring alarm bells warning us of a new disease. Kicked into the cold shower of reality we are only just starting to get a grip on things. New activities, new interactions, new information. Non-stop new news everyday; Don't forget to catch-up!
Switching on the telly at midday has become the new ritual for Victorians. Each day we wait for the empty podium to be filled and the cases read aloud. In front of that artificial purple background we listen anxiously for the numbers to be called out. Jeez, tatts-lotto in 2020 is not like how it used to be.
Glue yourself to that glass box. Press your ears to the speakers so you can be confused a little clearer. What zone? What stage? What permits do I need to run a shop? What needs permit me to run to the shops? Is drinking alone no longer sad, but an appropriate measure? All will be answered by the 24 hours new cyclone.
Wake up, digest the reports. Keep up on your notifications by keeping up your morbid curiosity. Hook up your IV to mainfeed and report comments on the coroner's report. Watch the news, embrace it like a pillar of molten copper, squeeze it tight while it burns your flesh. Brace yourself for each new day of news. Embrace the new new.
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