It is a delicious black ice crystallised glaze,
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Poem for Tenmoku
It is a delicious black ice crystallised glaze,
Eyes closed and gunning for it with this one.
Sometimes it's too easy to over perfect a work, too easy to lose the details while looking at the full picture. Too often I find my work over sculpted and over finalised.
A good writing exercise is to write something you can barely remember. To explore a work through muted tones rather than just vivid ones. Sculpting this work is an equivalent exercise for me. To create a work exclusively through a sense of touch allows for looser ideas to be preserved. This process has provided me a way to explore amorphous realms of thought. These forms are closer to sketches than casts of finalised works. Sightless work revealing fresh perspectives and novel manifestations.
Video recording found~
Persona-fired clay
video peice
Multiple muses of the psychye captured frantically on film.
Form and figures collapse and emerge from the same mass of clay.
Material and energy not destroyed by merely transformed.
Recorded creation found ---
Rory Young (@roryyoungartist) • Instagram photos and videos
Nothing quite stains like Cobalt Blue
For when colouring indigo the choices are too few
Maybe I could choose copper in a alkaline glaze
But I'm after a deep navy not a turquoise haze!
Cobalt forms with silica to produce the deepest of blues
Overabundant in a glaze it may clump into purple hues
It has been a telling feature of porcelain pots of the ming dynasty
And has lined walls of the Persian Mosques,temples displaying piety
Seeking its use we have been driven to dig deep within the Earth
And so for its value, violence and exploitation has given birth
A mineral mined today not just for its glamour
But instead to sell as a commodity under an auctioneer's hammer
It has graced the ceiling of Shahs
And glossed the Fabergé eggs of Russian Tsars
But today, it is used instead to replace the batteries of the IPhone XR’s
On the mining communities the price of Cobalt has long since been inflicted
A story of bleeding lungs and glistening jewellery that is the story that Cobalt has depicted.
Every piece of clay has its own grain. Its own directions in which its subsections twist and contort. Clay is built of microscopic tile structures 200 times smaller than the width of a human hair. The texture of clay is felt in the way these flat clay-tiles are stacked. Ceramicists harbour the godly power to change the directions these particles align themselves to.
Unlike stonemasons whose practice involves finding a grain of raw material and working around it, a wheel thrower can alter the raw material itself. The power of the pottery-wheel comes from its ability to steer the grain of any given clay body.
I like to imagine when I first remove a piece of unwedged clay from a bag, how the mess of particles first align themselves. Configurations of particles initially point to every position in the universe,utter chaos distilled into a lump. We feel that turmoil as a kick but slowly through practice and process we pull this clay into a smooth form, spiralling its grain in on itself. From a tangled webb of flat crystals to a smooth structure lined up like a brick wall we find the forms we wish to create. From chaos to peace, a lump of clay aligns into a thrown pot.
Maybe that's why I return to the humm of the wheel for peace. For through the process of transforming disorder into order maybe too I transform my own thoughts. Between hands draped in slip and pots slowly drying in these moments I find myself truly centred.

A labyrinth to tunnel, a pit to bore,
Caverns to devour and catacombs to explore,
Fine jewels and finer clays lay still in their tombs,
A prize just too ripe for the picking we leave a scenery acast in wound
Voids in the lands plunge towards prizes considered grand
Before us a constructed landscape we seek to command,
Our structures are hands reaching towards that rubble,
Grabbing the shovel we cast our own problems into dirt born troubles,
Return to that gold seam glow,
For when we are consumed by the earth we will realise the heavens are below.
Video accessible via...
Library Of Moments -tiled catalougue
Reflection of Instagram archive
For a year I have delegated myself the task of collecting, editing and posting daily stories. During the 365 moments of digital release my brain has adjusted. Thinking through the frames and software that facilitates digital recording my perspective of the world has become forever shifted. Like clay tools next to my wheel the settings on my camera have become instruments for me to adjust the flavours of my artistic expression. A tool integrated into one's practice is reflected not by the settings of the recording device but by the change of how the artist imagines they can capture the world. A telephoto lens may flatten the landscape drawing parallels in the audience's eye, while a well timed pan can change the tone like Tchaikovsky setting off a cannon in the orchestra pit. All these are tools that can afford new visions to the creator.
Tools will change the qualities within an artwork. The artist, by virtue of using those very tools will in turn change the qualities of their own psyche. After a year of dedicated practice I look at my surrounding environment differently. My eyes don't just see colour and light but stories and motifs, all laid bare and all ripe for the recording!
For a year I have pushed myself to create a catalogue of footage, as of today it's three and a half thousand videos in size. As I sit I am swamped in by this backlog of recordings. Inaccessible information is exactly that; inaccessible. It's only through sequencing and archiving that a library comes to life. I need to stop, collect, archive and edit beyond the 365 snack-size pieces I have already produced. That's why I am stopping my daily stories so I can spend the time necessary to work out my own dewey decimal system for the behemoth of data saved to my hard drives.
Whether it's the silica crystals in the clay I throw or the silica chips that record my footage my eyes will forever look to what can be captured in my artistic expression. I do not know what the next 365 days will bring to my practice, only that I know I will have more instruments and ideas at my disposal than I have today.
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